If you make a mistake, not only will it become a rare skill, but the time (and money) spent on improving the skill may be wasted. You have to identify the skills that are required in that era. For example, imagine someone who is very skilled in printing paper. Personally, I have a strong admiration for craftsmen and think that they are valuable human resources, but now that everything is being mechanized, it is expected that the demand will gradually decrease 10 or 20 years from now. increase. If you want to improve your expertise in the future, the point is to choose skills that will be needed in the future , not just specialized. What is [versatility]? The second “versatility” can also be translated into
Applicability” and “crushability” . Earlier, I said, "If you mobile number list have expertise, it's something that will be needed in the future!" . We can make some predictions from the data, but just as nobody could have predicted the corona shock, there is no "absolute" when choosing a job. That is why I would like you to think about whether you can apply your skills to a wide range of other jobs, rather than skills that can only be used in a limited field, if you want to acquire expertise. What is a job that has "specialty" and "versatility" at the same time? One of the jobs that can achieve both "expertise" and "versatility" is Web marketer there is.
The job of a web marketer is to use websites, SNS/apps, etc. to generate interest in the company's products and services, and to plan and implement the leads leading up to purchase. and required skills, but all of them require specialized knowledge and experience, so there is a very high need in the current job change market. As an industry, it is a growing field, and it is believed that it will continue to grow in the future compared to existing marketing methods and advertising media. Source: https://www.nippon.com/ja/japan-data/h00405/ In addition, since the main mission of web marketers, “grasp customer needs and connect them to purchasing behavior”, is also applicable to “sales”, “customer service.