Questions Why Ho behind to deal with everything? A lot of people say suicide is selfish. And in some ways, I understand exactly what they mean. Especially when it comes to the family members, children, parents etc they’re leaving behind. By choice. But if you think about it really honestly.. imagine how much pain you must be in, to willingly leave the people you love the most. The people who love you unconditionally. , yes to us it’s devastating but to them I can’t even begin to fathom the feelings they must have.
That’s their only way out. And instead phone number list of having resentment or anger, it’s important to remember that for them, this really was the only way for them to cope. And it really isn’t actually anything to do with us. The chances are, they didn’t want to leave their lov ones, but their pain overtook the love they felt for the ones left behind. has a place in the day to day lives of the ones who miss them. I see it on Facebook, the Mum and Sister of my ex, (two of the kindest people I’ve ever met.
Their pain is still very much there, and will BS Leads never really go away. But so is the love given to them by everyone who likes or comments on their statuses and pictures. I see it in my sister, who’s getting marri this year – I know she feels sad that her Dad isn’t going to be there. It breaks my heart that he won’t be there to see the insanely amazing person she’s becoming (not to mention the fantastic Mother she turn into the minute she sneez my gorgeous nephew out.
The impact of losing loved ones to suicide is devastating, leaving a lasting void in the lives of those left behind. Another scanner PDF can serve as a tool for understanding the emotional aftermath and supporting mental health awareness.